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EverymanTri Israel Experience: Part 2 - Ben Greenfield Engages In Potent Anti-Aging Mediterranean Cu

EverymanTri.com | 16.1.2014

I do not believe it is any secret that triathletes love to eat. And I of course am no exception. This particular article is brought to you by me hyped up on Halva - a Turkish sweet made from tehina...

EverymanTri Israel Experience: Part 1 - The Israman Triathlon and Ben Greenfield’s Fifteen Fun Facts

EverymanTri.com | 14.1.2014

I’m currently sitting on the longest ever US Airways international flight - a nearly 5000 mile trek from Philadelphia, USA to Tel Aviv, Israel. No really, according to the in-flight magazine, this is US Airways longest flight, period. So why...

Samuel podeváté!

9 ročník SAMUEL XC triatlonu se bude konat v neděli 24.8.2014

Recovery and Intensity Factor

Joe Friel | 2.1.2014

I received an interesting question from an athlete today. He asked... Question: "Is there research available on recovery time vs. Intensity Factor (IF)?" Explanation: "IF" is a TrainingPeaks and WKO+ term which refers to how hard a workout is relativ...

Review: EnduroPacks offers a unique supplement solution for triathletes

EverymanTri.com | 30.12.2013

Triathlon nutrition is a tricky wicket. Too much and you’re gaining weight, too little and you could hurt yourself, eat this, don’t eat that, take that supplement, don’t take that supplement. The latest major study even states that multivitamin...

Review: The Marc Pro EMS is a great addition to the recovery toolbox for triathletes

EverymanTri.com | 16.12.2013

How do you recovery after workouts and racing triathlons? It doesn’t matter if you are new to triathlons, racing short courses or an experiences ironman athlete of 15 years, you can’t ignore recovery. Sadly, many newer triathletes think that swim...

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