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How to Run Like an Olympian: Top 3 Exercises to Avoid (Part 1)
What are the top three excercises to avoid if you want a long running life. In this how to video we show you how to run like an Olympian by teaching the Top Three Exercises to Avoid. Joanna Zeiger is...
Frost Yer Fanny Race Report!! USAT SMW Regional Duathlon Championships!
Out of my Comfort Zone!
GIFT training at the Gray Institute: week 4
Week 4 was a week of building on our understanding of what AFS is about and enhancing our understanding of 3 Dimensionality. AFS is more than 3D motion of the body. It is a look at the Mind, body, and spirit as 3D and the Physical, Biological and Beh...
Physical Edge starts training with the Gray Institute
This blog will follow the Journey of Rhys Chong, from Physical Edge, through his 10 month training in GIFT, with Gary Gray and the Gray Institute. GIFT is a course designed to encourage the transformation of others, through unique environments, using...
Video: Top Three Threadmill Indoor Training Tips
Most people know how to run. But can most people know how to run like an Olympian? In order to run like an Olympian, you first neeed to train like an Olympian and that includes days when the weather is...
Pokusný střídavý týden s parádním koncem
No tak teda jó. :)
Mám hrazdu
Should I just shower?
Krátký článek pro pijany :)
Grandiózní oslava narozenin Honzy 12
EverymanTri Israman Triathlon Experience: Part 4 - Top 5 Things To Do In Israel
Hopefully you’ve had a chance to read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 of the EverymanTri Israman Triathlon Experience. You’ve learned about Israeli culture, the scrumptious Mediterranean cuisine, and of course, one of the world’s toughest triathlons:...
EverymanTri Israel Experience: Part 3 - Israman: It's Just A Thing - Top 10 Tips For Racing Israman
If you missed Part 1 and Part 2 of this special series of articles from Israman triathlon in Eliat, Israel, I'd highly recommend you go and read them, especially if you want to impress your friends with interesting tidbits about...