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Review: The GYST DB1-14 transition duffel bag is worth the expense

EverymanTri.com | 11.12.2013

I may not be toting around the Denver Broncos with all of the logistics of transporting an NFL team around week after week, but triathletes have a lot of crap to carry around to workouts and races. They probably travel...

Hard-Easy Training

Joe Friel | 9.12.2013

“Polarized training” is a fancy new name for a basic old concept—train either at low or high intensity, but keep the moderate training time between these extremes relatively small. So what are low, moderate and high intensities? All of the rece...

Triathlon gear for your first Ironman

Physical Edge | 4.12.2013

Summary of what is triathlon gear is needed to train for your first Ironman race

Guideline Eyewear Eclipse sunglasses stand up to Ironman triathlete training needs

EverymanTri.com | 29.11.2013

Triathletes take glucosamine, eat protein, wear sunscreen, braces, compression gear and spend a lot of money on recovery and proactive health treatments in the fight to stay healthy and injury free. One item a lot of us forget about is...

Aging: The Last Post

Joe Friel | 27.11.2013

This is my last aging post. I started this series back in June as a pre-birthday gift to myself. I wanted to understand what was happening with my performance that seemed to be in decline. There was a very good chance that what I saw happening was ag...

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